Luca Ciucci (James Cook University ), The linguistic description in the Jesuit Missions of Chiquitos ; Maximilien Guérin (HTL), présentation du projet Oc/Oïl

Luca Ciucci (James Cook University ), The linguistic description in the Jesuit Missions of Chiquitos ; Maximilien Guérin (HTL), présentation du projet Oc/Oïl

15 octobre 2021

14h - Luca Ciucci  (The Cairns Institure, James Cook University)
The linguistic description in the Jesuit Missions of Chiquitos
This talk will address the linguistic studies carried out by the Jesuits in the Missions of Chiquitos, in south-eastern Bolivia. The missions were founded in 1691 and hosted a multilingual environment, where the majority of the population spoke Chiquitano (fka Chiquito), which was chosen as the language of evangelization. The Jesuits produced a wealth of linguistic materials on Chiquitano, of which very little so far was published, and nothing in a critical edition. From the linguistic point of view, the leading figure of the missions was the French Jesuit Ignace Chomé (1696-1768), who also described Old Zamuco, an extinct Zamucoan language spoken in the missions. Despite the importance of Chomé´s contribution on both Chiquitano and Old Zamuco, his work is still understudied. For this reason, I am working on a critical edition of his texts. After presenting the corpus and the context in which it was produced, I will show what kind of data are provided and their interest for historical linguistics and linguistic typology. These materials also contain a rich amount of information on the historical and anthropological context of the missions, flora and fauna. The Jesuits’ data collection and linguistic description did not end with their expulsion in 1767 because some works on Chiquitano are due to exiled Jesuits in Italy.

14h45 - Maximilien Guérin (HTL)
Présentation du projet “Oc/Oïl : textes, identité et contact de langues aux confins gallo-romans”

Lieu : Université de Paris, Bât. Olympe de Gouges, salle 533

Lien zoom :

ID de réunion : 818 5421 2886
Code secret : 537682

Université de Paris - Olympe de Gouges s. 533
5 rue Thomas Mann
Paris, 75013

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