Sten Ebbesen & Irène Rosier-Catach (éds.), 2021. Boethii Daci aliorumque sophismata. Copenhague : Det danske sprog- og litteraturselskab – University Press of Southern Denmark. (Corpus philosophorum danicorum medii aevi, IX). 624 p. ISBN : 978-87-7533-053-9

This volume contains the so-called Sophismata Florentino-Brugensia, i.e. the sophismata contained in two overlapping collections, that of ms F= Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana 12 sin., 3 and that of ms B = Brugge, Stedelijke Openbare Bibliotheek 509. A few of those sophismata are also transmitted by other mss, which have duly been taken into account in our edition. The Florence and Bruges collections include two important sophismata by the famous Danish philosopher Boethius of Dacia (fl. ca. 1270/75), ten by Peter of Auvergne (probably from the 1270s), and one by an otherwise unknown Nicholas of Nor-mandy, who must have been active at approximately the same time as Boethius and Peter. The remaining items are anonymous.

This is expected to be the last volume of Corpus Philosophorum Danicorum Medii Aevi (“CPhD”), founded in 1946, with the first volume appearing in 1955. For this reason a list of corrigenda to previous volumes has been appended (pp. 561-578).

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Boethii Daci aliorumque sophismata
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